TLB Accessories

Under Bed Lights
Light the floor under your Total Lift Bed with the new under bed lights.

Pulsation/Turning Mattress

Trapeze Bar
Trapeze swings out of the way for when tilting is initiated. Allows the patient to reposition themselves.

Digital Inclinometer
New Design has Back lit/larger display, AAA batteries, Easy replace batteries, wing nut attachment

Nurse Call
Integrated into your central nursing system, we now have Nurse call and Bed Exit Alarm

Foam Mattress
A High-Specification Pressure Redistribution Mattress designed to control static load and provide ergonomic support

Head Support
Wraps around bed frame and comes with chin and forehead support

Support Straps
Our support straps are so good our competitors use them. The perfect blend of safety and support along with comfort and flexibility.

Mobility Harnesses
Vest Gives you an alternative to Go Straps for supporting the patient and doing exercises. Allows easy transfer to Ceiling lift or other mobility devices. One size fits all.

IV Poles
Iv Poles that have four-way hanger and attache at the head of the bed

DIN Rails
Commonly referred to as DIn Rails are rails used to hang other devices like Urine bags or Ecmo pumps.